Bill McClain wrote:
On 2008-10-31, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The problem with stdin/stdout is on Windows 2000 (and maybe the earlier
NT?). But not on XP or AFAIK Vista.
It only occurs when a program is executed indirectly using the file
associations instead of directly via the command line.
File associations, are the Windows "let's do it a different way"
alternative for Unix she-bang lines (#!/path/to/python).
Can you elaborate on this? I have some very simple command-line utilities I
would like to make available on different platforms, but what little I knew
about Windows is fading into the past.
This example:
import sys
print in the Windows XP dos box if I do:
python < file.txt
...but I get the error 9 for: < file.txt
Is there any way to make the second version work on Windows?
You've got a few options. Perhaps the simplest is to use something
like the effbots exemaker [1] which creates a stub for your script
but which is an .exe to the redirection should work. The user has
to have Python installed on the system (it's not a py2exe lookalike)
but it can make things like this simpler.
I believe -- but I've never really gone into this -- that the
setuptools extensions to distutils offer a way to do this as
part of the installation, so if you were having the scripts
installed via a (or setup.whetever) then that might
be the way.
Obviously py2exe (also a distutils extension) is another
possibility, altho' I would see it here as a fallback option
since it's a bit more heavyweight.
This is the MS article which describes the problem:
and suggests that it's fixed in XP SP1 but this
suggests that maybe it's not.