On approximately 10/30/2008 2:13 PM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of Bill McClain:
On 2008-10-30, fx5900 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just went to go and get a coffee when i noticed a email, thought it was
just usual spam. Read your message, and it worked. it was because i did not
put they 'python' keyword infront. How did u figure it out?
It is some problem with the DOS box on Windows. I believe the standard input
and output get lost somehow. I just encountered it myself. Using the "python"
command is not required on other platforms--Linux, for example.
If anyone has a more elegant solution I would like to hear it. I hate
documenting "this way on Windows, another way everywhere else..."
The problem with stdin/stdout is on Windows 2000 (and maybe the earlier
NT?). But not on XP or AFAIK Vista.
It only occurs when a program is executed indirectly using the file
associations instead of directly via the command line.
File associations, are the Windows "let's do it a different way"
alternative for Unix she-bang lines (#!/path/to/python).
Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/
A protocol is complete when there is nothing left to remove.
-- Stuart Cheshire, Apple Computer, regarding Zero Configuration Networking