Ivan Illarionov wrote:
On Sun, 25 May 2008 20:53:28 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

Ivan Illarionov wrote:
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

As I've said before - good programmers can write good code in any
Yes, they can. But it may be harder to do for them in one language and
easier in another.

Not for a good programmer it isn't.  I've known a few good programmers
in my 40+ years of programming.  I've known a lot more poor programmers
who think they're good.

I can't argue with your experience. I don't think that I'm good programmer. I want to be better. And I hope that when I'll have 48+ years experience I won't have to use it as argumentum ad hominem.

No ad hominems on my part. I said nothing about you or your abilities. I spoke only of programmers I have known, both good and poor.

The the good programmers are able to adapt to the language and make the most of whatever language they're using. The result is good code. OTOH, poor programmers I have known have found all kinds of excuses - from the language itself to lack of requirements, to anything else they can blame, except the real root of the problem.

If you take exception to that, then I'm sorry for you.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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