John Machin wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > What actually gets transmitted is "C\x01\x02\x10'\x83". > > No, that's repr(What actually gets transmitted)
Drat, I always get burned by that. > > > That's 18 bytes. Is the command supposed to be the ASCII > > characters \x01 or a single byte whose value is 1? > > For a start, according to the OP's code, the command ('C' a.k.a. 67) is > first. The 1 is a meant to be a message number. Yeah, that's what I meant. > > Secondly, the hardware smells like it's got an 8080 or 6502 inside. The > likelihood that it groks Python/C string representation is minimal. That's what I was thinking. And maybe the replies he's seeing from the hardware is an error message because it doesn't understand what it's seeing (which could be due to other things). A datascope would come in handy for this situation. > Folk just don't send 18 bytes at 9600 bps when 6 bytes will do. --