the hardware is a school project that uses a microcontroller for "light dimming" the message command "67" will tell the microcontroller (PIC16F877) to do a command (to control the intensity of a lamp) the message command "70" should tell the GUI that the microcontroller has started transmitting. the message sent by the GUI is different from the message sent by the microcontroller (but i guess sir John is right, i think i should use different variable for the data transmitted and data received) i am currently developing this part of the project which implements the serial communication i've fixed the command and total_data since i know beforehand that this will be its value. to simplify the program, i have also fixed the message_no since the microcontroller will still accept the transmitted data as long as the checksum == 0.
anymore suggestion???... ================================================== command = 67 message_no = 1 total_data = 2 item=10000 for item in range(10000, 30001, 250): data_hi, data_lo = divmod(item, 0x100) checksum = -(data_hi + data_lo + 0x46) & 0xff ser.write(pack('6B', command, message_no, total_data, data_lo, data_hi, checksum)) data = (command, msg_no, no_databyte, temp1, temp2, pyra1, pyra2, voltage, current, checksum) = unpack('10B', data) #serial receive protocol print command, msg_no, no_databyte, temp1, temp2, pyra1, pyra2, voltage, current, checksum ser.flushInput() ser.close() =================================== i've rewritten the code and deleted some unnecessary entries, now the problem is : 21 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 175 70 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 114 70 11 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 105 0 0 104 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 114 128 128 103 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 114 16 208 246 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 70 2 6 64 64 192 0 0 0 114 =================================== the received data does not always start with the command "70", is this ok??? since i can always search first for the command "70" before i read the remaining 9 bytes, then calculate first for the checksum before finally accepting the received data. am i making sense here?! please help me... --