On Feb 4, 9:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Some iterables and control loops can be multithreaded.  Worries that
> it takes a syntax change.
> for X in A:
>     def f( x ):
>         normal suite( x )
>     start_new_thread( target= f, args= ( X, ) )
> Perhaps a control-flow wrapper, or method on iterable.
> @parallel
> for X in A:
>     normal suite( X )
> for X in parallel( A ):
>     normal suite( X )
> Discussion presued about multi-core systems.  Allow user certain
> control over what runs on multi-core.  Clearly, not generally
> applicable.  -- But, from __future__ import does change syntax.

Some timing stats: On Windows XP, Python 3.0a2.

[timing code, 10,000 calls]
[ f( X ) ]: 0.0210021106034
[ start_new_thread( f, X ) ]: 1.15759908033
[ Thread( f, X ).start() ]: 1.85400099733
[ Thread( f, X ).start and .join() ]: 1.93716743329

Are threads an OS bottleneck?

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