Jean-Francois Canac  wrote:

>I am reading a large amount of data from a COM port (or from a file) at a rate
of 20 records per second. It is about >positioning of a vehicle on a race track.
>In each record we have time, position (lat and long) speed, course all from GPS
equipment. I would like to Produce a >graph in real time with these records to
see the  vehicle moving on the track. The goal is to study the vehicle
>performance and to always have its position, the application would run around
24 hours.
>I would like to write the application in Python and I am wondering which plot
interface would be the more appropriate, I >have seen matplotlib, but I do not
know how to make real time applications with big amount of data. Is hippodraw
more >suited to this use or an other interface?
>Many thanks

I would draw dots on a suitably sized Tkinter canvas, after drawing a schematic
of the race track (laborious).

20 per second will be no problem, provided the machine is half decent.

What is the speed at which the com port runs?

- Hendrik


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