"Hendrik van Rooyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news: 
> Jean-Francois Canac  wrote:
>>I am reading a large amount of data from a COM port (or from a file) at a 
> of 20 records per second. It is about >positioning of a vehicle on a race 
> track.
>>In each record we have time, position (lat and long) speed, course all 
>>from GPS
> equipment. I would like to Produce a >graph in real time with these 
> records to
> see the  vehicle moving on the track. The goal is to study the vehicle
>>performance and to always have its position, the application would run 
> 24 hours.
> >
>>I would like to write the application in Python and I am wondering which 
> interface would be the more appropriate, I >have seen matplotlib, but I do 
> not
> know how to make real time applications with big amount of data. Is 
> hippodraw
> more >suited to this use or an other interface?
>>Many thanks
> I would draw dots on a suitably sized Tkinter canvas, after drawing a 
> schematic
> of the race track (laborious).
> 20 per second will be no problem, provided the machine is half decent.
> What is the speed at which the com port runs?
> - Hendrik
The com port run at 19.2 kb/s.
My pb is more the real time aspect: to see the plot changing in real time 
than the com aspect as the installation is already running with programs in 
The PC on which it is running is good enought
For me the interest is to migrate all taht on python to be able to make fast 
changes when it is of interest


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