Hi All, I am trying to connect .NET web service using HTTPS. I wrote a python script using https. For that need to send SOAP message to the server. But it is giving error 401.3 execution access is denied.(SOAP message not processing) I have a doubt can we access web services using HTTPS only, or need to have any other. I am sending the code:: [CODE] import httplib a=open('/root/Desktop/b.xml','r')
#SOAP message Message=a.read() h =httplib.HTTPS('hpc.msftlabs.com') h.putrequest('PUT','/HPCBasicProfile/HPCBasicProfile.svc') h.putheader('Accept','text/soap') h.putheader('Content-type','text/jsl; charset="utf-8"') h.putheader('Content-length','%s' % str(len(Message))) h.putheader('SOAPAction','http://schemas.ggf.org/bes/2006/08/ besfactory/BESFactoryPortType/CreateActivity') .endheaders() h.send(Message) errcode,errmsg, headers = h.getreply() print errcode,errmsg, headers f = h.getfile() # Get file object for reading data data = f.read() print data f.close() [/CODE] Please guid me to access web service. Thanks Allavarapu -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list