On Jul 30, 1:34 am, Jia Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > HI all > > I am making an application with wxpython. > But I got a problem when I want to change the display string > according to process status. > > I passed the frame to the processing function and use the > frame.txtobj to change displaying strings. > > I found it is a bad method to do that. > Can any one tell me how to do that usually? > ( How to separate GUI and Control code? ) > > Thank you.
If you're doing a long running task that needs to send data periodically to the GUI front-end for status, there's some good ways listed here: http://wiki.wxpython.org/LongRunningTasks The wiki seems down right now (8:40 CST 07/30/2007), but hopefully it'll be up soon. Mike -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list