On 28 abr, 14:30, "Michael A. Terrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Eric Gisse wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> > "INN World Report interviewed Dr. Crockett Grabbe - professor of
> > physics at the University of Iowa - regarding his thoughts on the
> > 'collapses' of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. In this interview he lists numerous
> > reasons to suspect controlled demolition and expresses support for
> > alternative theories."
> > A common mistake - I frequently confuse CalTech and U of Iowa.
> >http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox-a...
> > That's interesting, no publications on any engineering topic. A
> > professor of physics, not engineering, who claims that explosives were
> > planted in not only WTC7, but WTC 1 and 2 which were trigged by the
> > planes impacting the building.
> > Why is anyone listening to this loon?
>    The same reason they listen to the even loonier Rosie O'donell?
>    http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/911myths/4213805.html

That is not a scientific paper. It makes unsubstantiated claims and
asks the reader to trust their advice that they have inquired with

Please compare that popular mechanics article of unsubstantiated
claims with this
varifiable substantiated and falsifiable theis by Professor Steven

It would be great if PM were willing to take on a critique of Jones'
thesis and I want to add that it is no suprise that they refuse.
Notice that they don't even mention Jones' in the article? And yet
Jones is the most famous 9/11 controlled demolition  theory academic
second only perhaps to David Ray Griffin.

If PM really intended to dispel the 'myth' that Rosie espoused then
would they go for the heart of it?, namely:

> --
> Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
> prove it.
> Member of DAV #85.
> Michael A. Terrell
> Central Florida


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