In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, War Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28 abr, 14:15, Eric Gisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Apr 24, 6:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [snip] > > I love how folks like you ask for intellectual honesty when every > > effort is made to ignore evidence that doesn't agree with your > > presupposed findings. > > Which evidence would that be? ***{I'm not a fan of the Bush administration, and would not put it past them to carry out an event such as 911, to create an excuse to jettison the Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is certain in any case is that, in fact, the Bush administration has used the events of 911 as an excuse to toss out the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There are, however, at least three possible scenarios regarding 911 itself: (1) The plane crashes were planned and executed by terrorists. The towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell because of the impact of debris from the north tower. (2) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush administration. The towers fell because of the impacts. Building 7 fell because of the impact of debris from the north tower. (3) The plane crashes were planned and executed by the Bush administration. The towers fell because of the impacts, plus the effects of pre-planted demolition charges. Building 7 fell because of the impact of debris from the north tower, plus the effects of pre-planted explosive charges. I analyzed (3), above, in great detail a month or so back, in a sci.physics thread entitled "The amazing denial of what "conspiracy kooks" really means...." If you are really interested in a reasoned response to those arguments, you can probably still find that thread on Google. My conclusion at the time was that possibility (3), above, fails because pre-planted explosives are not needed to explain why the towers fell, or why building 7 fell. Possibilities (1) and (2), therefore, are all that remains. This post is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as an indication that I am interesting in slogging my way through all this stuff again. Once is more than enough, and so I am killfiling this thread after making this post. --Mitchell Jones}*** ***************************************************************** If I seem to be ignoring you, consider the possibility that you are in my killfile. --MJ --