> Now, it's rather common to accuse people of trolling these days.
> The fact that Markus Wankus said that Ilias is a troll does not mean
> that everybody should reply to him in that tone.
> This is a one .vs many battle and it sucks.

Just because someone says somebody else is a troll surely is not valid
reason to take that for granted.

But googling [1-*] for Mr. Lazaridis makes it apparent that he _is_ a troll.
And even if you only take the two threads on c.l.py into account IMHO you
can see that. 

He's been _banned_ from several OS project mailing lists like eclipse,
netbeans and hibernate. Of course he claims that is because of censorship
and has nothing to do with his actions in those respective communities. But
somehow to me at least a pattern is visible.


[2]: http://www.netbeans.org/servlets/ReadMsg?msgId=872061&listName=nbusers




Diez B. Roggisch

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