Pat wrote:

I think the same applies to developers. Not every programmer is
willing to go through a lot of pain and effort just to get something
simple to work.

True... but given I.L.'s insistence on a rather stringent set of requirements (fully open-source toolchain to produce closed-source software on proprietary OS), and his attitude ("Why haven't all of you done this for me already? WHY WHY WHY?"), he comes across as someone who's *insisting* that *someone else* should go to a lot of pain and effort on *his* behalf. Indeed, he's insisting that the Python community should provide volunteer effort because it will (supposedly) assist him in his commercial endeavor.

Notably, when you've commented in a reasonable manner about having apparently similar needs, several people have offered suggestions as to how to solve your problems. People have also offered I.L. suggestions, but he derides them as not being exactly what he wants and continues to insist that others should perform volunteer work for his benefit.

Now, there's nothing wrong with asking (politely) why certain things are the way they are, or suggesting that it'd be nice if someone changed a few things. But the insistence that he's being horribly wronged because people aren't jumping at the chance to assist him is more than a little bit offensive -- especially when he's turning up his nose at solutions that are close (but not exact) matches to his "requirements". Instead of saying "Hey, someone's done half my work for me -- great!", he's saying "Hey, why haven't you done the rest of my work!"

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


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