Pat wrote: > There have been extensive discussions about these issues on the > Python-Dev mailing list over the past couple of months (mostly in > December, but continuing to the present - see > > as a starting point), which seem to have fizzled out or at least > haven't resolved much. The discussions made reference to work that has > already been done to allow Python to be compiled with minGW: > > pyMinGW is a patch to Python source that aims to get Python to compile > under MinGW > > > > I've not seen any commentary on the quality of this patch, so that > doesn't appear to be the reason it hasn't been officially adopted. > Reading all the threads from Python-Dev has not enlightened me at all > as to what the underlying reason is for not adopting these changes. > Maybe there are good reasons, I just couldn't find them, and I'm > usually pretty good with Google.
If passing all the regression tests of the official Windows Python distribution is an indication of the quality of patch-- and pyMinGW patched and MinGW built Python does pass all of them-- then one is inclined to say that pyMinGW is a good patch. The reason why it is, on the other hand, not included in the official distribution is threefold. 1. Contrary to what many might imagine, I don't think enough people use MinGW to frankly justify any extra effort beyond pyMinGW. 2. Given number 1 above, this patch, I believe, and I could be mistaken, must not rush to be included in Python's core; people like your esteemed person should test it (note that it is designed not to interfere with your trusted and working official Python, if any); it is only when enough people do such testing that there will be a case for it to be included in Python's core. 3. Finally. there is nothing wrong with third-party patches if they get the job done, which I believe is the case with pyMinGW. Regards, Khalid --