On 2/16/07, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In one of the other threads, Dabo was meant as a GUI designer,
> I tried it yesterday,
> and although it looks very promising,
> at the moment this is not a graphical design environment,
> just a complex (compared to Delphi) design environment with graphical 
> feedback.
> Just my 2 cents ;-)

Dabo is indeed a work in progress. They are developing the various
tools now to get people started, but have plans for a full graphical
IDE in the manner of Delphi or Visual Studio.

You can complain that this free tool developed by volunteers in their
spare time isn't as polished as a commercial tool backed by large
corporations that can afford large paid staffs.

Or you could contribute.


# p.d.

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