"Bruno Desthuilliers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Stef Mientki a écrit :
>> I've been using Python for just 2 months, and didn't try any graphical
>> design,
>So how can you comment on GUI programming with Python ?

I think we have a language problem here (no pun intended)

When Stef says "Gui Programming" he means using something like
Delphi or Boa to do the Graphical Layout, while on this group it
normally means writing the python code to make your own windows
etc., using Tkinter or better...

There is no doubt that the first approach gets you going faster,
albeit true that you have more flexibility with the second.

The learning curves are also different, the first approach feeling less
painful, as you seem to make progress from the start, and you don't
have to worry about questions like : "whats a frame/toplevel/mainloop/etc.?"

So from Stef's perspective he is right when he claims that Python's
"Gui Programming" is poor - in the standard library it is non existent,
as there are no Delphi-, Glade- or Boa-like tools available.

And one can argue that something like Boa or the WX.. packages are
not Python, as they are not included in the standard library...

- Hendrik


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