> I am VB6 programmer and wants to start new programming language but i
> am unable to deciced.
> i have read about Python, Ruby and Visual C++. but i want to go
> through with GUI based programming language

"GUI based programming languages" ? What's that ?

> like VB.net
> so will you please guide me which GUI based language has worth with
> complete OOPS Characteristics

"complete OOPS Characteristics" ? What's that ?

Visual C++ is not a language, it's a (proprietary, non portable) 
implementation of a language named C++.

Ruby and Python are both hi-level, object-oriented languages, and both 
have bindings to the main GUI toolkits. These GUI toolkits usually have 
language-independant GUI designers. For the programming part, you're 
free to choose whatever editor you like. Both Python and Ruby are worth 
learning. Since both have open-source implementations, you can easily 
try them for yourself and choose the one you like best. Now I don't know 
what's the situation for Ruby, but - since you seem to be mostly on the 
MS side -, Python has a pretty good integration with Windows (COM 
programming and scripting, Win32 API bindings etc), and is usually a 
better choice than VB for this j=kind of tasks. Note also that there's 
IronPython (Python for .NET).


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