On 05/03/2019 16:07, Victor Stinner wrote:
> My intent is also to clarify the difference between a "fully supported
> platform" and "best effort platform support":
> https://pythondev.readthedocs.io/platforms.html
> My intent is not to kick some platforms out of Python.
> What do you think?

I think "ouch" - as I have been working hard to get all the tests to
pass for AIX. I feel "defeated".

-- Let me take a moment to just say thanks for everyone's help the last
months to get it this far (WARN message status on gccfarm bot due to
issues with linking to a third-party (not IBM AIX!) library to build an

-- Short comment on the "platforms.html" - sys.platform (re aix3 and
aix4) is dated. Is this something I can assist with via an issue and a PR?

-- oh yes, I thought "unstable" already meant no messages were sent.

-- p.s. I do not see you holding up a release of Python because a test
regresses on AIX (and no explanation can be found) - but I would hop
that AIX will be seen as stable enough to warrant being permitted to
send a message during development to signal a portability issue.

-- p.p.s. When I get an idea and/or assistance with understanding how to
debug the *multiprocessing* test failures the bot faces (but I
(generally) do not get when running manually) I'll dig further.

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