On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:42:16 -0700 (PDT), JPolk <jpolk5...@yahoo.com>
> I also need to install another version of Qt/PyQt,...
> Currently, I have these versions installed on my Windows box,..
>         Qt  4.5.3
>     PyQt 4.7.3
> living under Python 2.6.x, in C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages/
> All that needs to stay intact,....so if I:
> 1) install Python 2.7  
> 2) install Qt 4.7.1
> 3) install PyQt (latest version??)
> under C:/Python27/etc...
> Will they live happily together?...or will there be mischief?...lol
> Thanks!!
> reason for two versions...
>   Maya2011 requires Qt 4.5.3
>   Maya2012 requires Qt 4.7.1

Shouldn't be a problem so long as your PATH is Ok. I assume you aren't
using the binary installers.

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