On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 21:58:38 -0800 (GMT-08:00), Suzanne Berger
<tang...@mindspring.com> wrote:
> I experimented with various releases of pyqt in order to determine which
> versions would be compatible with different versions of software that we
> use (Maya & Mobu 2011 and 2012). I am going to have to install at least
> different versions of PyQt on all laptops in our department. We cannot
> modules from server. I am seeking advice related to doing multiple
> installations of PyQt on 1 computer. We use Windows 7 64-bit.  (we can't
> bundle using py2exe either)
> 1) Does PyQt installers change windows registry?

Yes - PATH. It writes other keys but they should include the version
number so there is no clash.

> 2) I noticed that after my 1st PyQt package install, subsequent
> squawked on multiple PyQt installlations. I chose separate folders
> under C drive to contain different versions. 
> 3) I moved my initial PyQt installation from
> to directly under C drive. If I want to uninstall this package, should I
> first move it back to initial location ?


> 4) One of the PyQt installers that I used,
> PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.6-snapshot-20090810-1.exe, completely wiped out my PATH
> environment variable and replaced it with that PyQt's bin directory
> of appending. I managed to restore important paths so my computer seems
> be working ok, but I'm concerned about using this installer on other
> peoples laptops. Is it acceptable to simply copy entire installed PyQt
> package to other workstations. I would save in same location on C drive.

I don't know what installer that is - I don't create installers for

> 5) The other installer that I will be using: PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.7.3-1.exe

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