I experimented with various releases of pyqt in order to determine which 
versions would be compatible with different versions of software that we use 
(Maya & Mobu 2011 and 2012). I am going to have to install at least 2 different 
versions of PyQt on all laptops in our department. We cannot pull modules from 
server. I am seeking advice related to doing multiple installations of PyQt on 
1 computer. We use Windows 7 64-bit.  (we can't bundle using py2exe either)

1) Does PyQt installers change windows registry?

2) I noticed that after my 1st PyQt package install, subsequent installers 
squawked on multiple PyQt installlations. I chose separate folders directly 
under C drive to contain different versions. 

3) I moved my initial PyQt installation from C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages to 
directly under C drive. If I want to uninstall this package, should I first 
move it back to initial location ?

4) One of the PyQt installers that I used, 
PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.6-snapshot-20090810-1.exe, completely wiped out my PATH 
environment variable and replaced it with that PyQt's bin directory instead of 
appending. I managed to restore important paths so my computer seems to be 
working ok, but I'm concerned about using this installer on other peoples 
laptops. Is it acceptable to simply copy entire installed PyQt package to other 
workstations. I would save in same location on C drive. 

5) The other installer that I will be using: PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.7.3-1.exe

Thanks for your feedback.

Suzanne Berger
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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