On 12/6/23 12:13, Maximiliano Sandoval wrote:
Dominik Csapak <d.csa...@proxmox.com> writes:
the translator must make sure the terms are consistent anyway...
This is the heart of the issue. The translator cannot know there are
more uses of the string if it is not marked as translatable.
yes he can, because he shouldn't be translating these strings
in a vacuum. I'd expect a minimum of cross checking the gui
and familiarity with the product/gui.
we don't give the translation files to people that have
never seen/used the pve/pbs/pmg interfaces, rather
it's users that want to use it in their own
language. If they don't know what the name/phrase/etc.
means or show up in the gui context, that's a problem
in general and leads to weird translations either way.
As an example: if i wanted to translate 'ACME'
without context and know nothing about proxmox products,
i might just put 'GIPFEL' for german
(the literal translation of the english word 'acme' in all caps...)
like google translate would suggest
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