Dominik Csapak <> writes:

> translating ACME does not make sense to me since it's
> the name of the protocol and stands for
>  Automatic Certificate Management Environment
> i don't think/believe this should be translated
> into other languages as a standalone word

"ACME" appears in four translatable strings, e.g.

    msgid "ACME Accounts"

Having the term itself being translatable allows the translator to be
consistent on which term to use when there are multiple translatable
strings containing it. It would be confusing for the user if the only
place where they see "ACME" is in the original string.

While there are no examples of this specifically for "ACME", there is a
similar one:

"ACL" is a translatable string which appears in two other translations

    #: proxmox-widget-toolkit/src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js:361
    #: proxmox-widget-toolkit/src/window/SyncWindow.js:110
    #: pve-manager/www/manager6/dc/AuthEditLDAP.js:333
    #: pve-manager/www/manager6/dc/RealmSyncJob.js:355
    #: pve-manager/www/manager6/dc/SyncWindow.js:129
    msgid "ACL"
    msgstr ""

There are at least two languages that actually translate it:

    msgid "ACL"
    msgstr "Список управления доступом"

    msgid "ACL"
    msgstr "قائمة التحكم في الوصول"

Both translation make use of this in other translations, as shown in the
following translations:

   msgid "Remove ACLs of vanished users and groups."
   msgstr "Удалить списки управления доступом исчезнувших пользователей и 

   msgid "Remove ACLs of vanished users and groups."
   msgstr "إزالة قوائم التحكم بالوصول للمستخدمين والمجموعات المختفية."

I personally lean towards not translating it, but in my option, that is
a decision that belongs to the translator, having the string be
translatable gives them more context to make this choice.

All of this would be simpler if we could extract comments with xgettext
to signal that certain parts of strings should ideally not be

Of course, if this is polemic enough, it could be separated into a
different commit/mail-discussion.


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