----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rilindo Foster" <rili...@mac.com>
> To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:02:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 2.7 v 3.0 in the PuppetLabs yum repo
> I usually explicitly set the $puppetversion in my manifest for my
> environment. Furthermore, I have my own mirror copied from puppet
> labs repo and install it from that location instead. That way, I
> have control of what I push out and only update when I know that the
> new version is sound.
> So I am not sure what the hubbub is all about. If you are not
> controlling what you push out, don't be surprised when something
> breaks.

+100, people seem to be expecting the rest of the world to maintain
a controlled environment simply because they don't?

Do you really trust a random third party as the source of your packages?

What if there is an outage at one of these 3rd party package providers
and you cannot build new machines? How do you explain that on the day
that you suddenly need to scale your infrastructure due to a critical
request or failure?

You have to build local repo mirrors and you have to be able to recover
from a disaster or simply provision new infrastructure based on your 
own processes and systems you influence, if you do not you have bigger
problems than what version of Puppet is on some 3rd party repo.

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