On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 7:36:22 PM UTC-5, Michael Stanhke wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Jeff McCune 
> <je...@puppetlabs.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Robert Rothenberg 
> > <rob...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> >> I am using CentOS 6 with the PuppetLabs yum repo from 
> >> http://yum.puppetlabs.com 
> >> 
> >> I noticed that today version 3 is available on the repo, so of course, 
> an 
> >> upgrade to Puppet is available. 
> > 
> > Yes, this major version update went live on Monday.  There are a 
> > number of breaking-changes between 2.7 and 3.0 which are described at: 
> > http://links.puppetlabs.com/telly_breaking_changes 
> > 
> >> Ideally, it would have been better if v3 had a different distribution 
> name, 
> >> so that systems with v2.7.x are not upgraded (especially if there will 
> be 
> >> future releases if v2.7). 
> We sent out several notices about this prior to doing it. The Puppet 
> Labs repositories are designed to be the place you get the latest 
> software from Puppet Labs.  This was a conscious choice. 
> > 
> > Could you please file an issue (with impact data) about the 
> > distribution name issue.  I believe we considered doing what you 
> > describe, but decided against it.  I don't know the reasons off the 
> > top of my head though, an issue will give us a clear place to track 
> > the request, the impact it has on you and your organization, and the 
> > decision we come to (or have already come to). 
> > 
> >> I am concerned about things breaking. So is there a document detailing 
> >> incompatibilities? Will there be future 2.7 releases? 
> There will be.  I'd imagine you'll see activity slow on it though. 
> > 
> > There will be future releases of 2.7.  We will continue to fix bugs in 
> > the 2.7 series, but we are intending to avoid adding any new features 
> > or make any large changes to the behavior of Puppet 2.7. 

I am not directly affected by this issue, but I agree with those 
complaining that it was unwise, or at least inhospitable for PL to release 
Puppet 3 into its repositories in this way, especially considering that PL 
intends to continue with maintenance releases in the 2.7 series.  It is 
tantamount to a recommendation for all users to upgrade to the new line 
immediately, and considering the number of breaking changes, I cannot 
believe that that was intended.

The customary way to handle dual lines of packages is to give one line a 
different name, for example "puppet3-*" instead of plain "puppet-*".  
Failing that, it is essential that the package name for the 2.7 series be 
changed, else the PL repository will be near-useless to people who want to 
stay at 2.7 for the time being.  If that's the plan then the first 
"puppet2-*" packages should have been released at the same time that the 
mainline packages were updated to v 3.0.

Alternatively, PL could set up a separate repository for the Puppet 2 
maintenance releases.

Distinguishing the lines only by their version numbers simply isn't useful, 
and dropping v3 packages with their breaking changes into the same 
repository with v2 *will* cause breakage for users.  PL, I urge you to 
reconsider.  Soon.


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