I usually explicitly set the $puppetversion in my manifest for my environment. 
Furthermore, I have my own mirror copied from puppet labs repo and install it 
from that location instead. That way, I have control of what I push out and 
only update when I know that the new version is sound.

So I am not sure what the hubbub is all about. If you are not controlling what 
you push out, don't be surprised when something breaks.

 - RIlindo

On Oct 3, 2012, at 8:16 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:

> I am not directly affected by this issue, but I agree with those complaining 
> that it was unwise, or at least inhospitable for PL to release Puppet 3 into 
> its repositories in this way, especially considering that PL intends to 
> continue with maintenance releases in the 2.7 series.  It is tantamount to a 
> recommendation for all users to upgrade to the new line immediately, and 
> considering the number of breaking changes, I cannot believe that that was 
> intended.
> The customary way to handle dual lines of packages is to give one line a 
> different name, for example "puppet3-*" instead of plain "puppet-*".  Failing 
> that, it is essential that the package name for the 2.7 series be changed, 
> else the PL repository will be near-useless to people who want to stay at 2.7 
> for the time being.  If that's the plan then the first "puppet2-*" packages 
> should have been released at the same time that the mainline packages were 
> updated to v 3.0.
> Alternatively, PL could set up a separate repository for the Puppet 2 
> maintenance releases.
> Distinguishing the lines only by their version numbers simply isn't useful, 
> and dropping v3 packages with their breaking changes into the same repository 
> with v2 will cause breakage for users.  PL, I urge you to reconsider.  Soon.
> John
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