On Sun, 2011-05-15 at 21:27 +0200, Matthias Saou wrote:
> Dan Bode <d...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> > [snip]
> > If there are people familiar with puppetdoc here : Is it possible to
> > > generate clean doc for my modules with only relative links to be
> > > included in the repo?
> > 
> > I do not understand this question.
> Let me rephrase quickly : From a checkout inside ~/puppet-modules/ when
> I run something like this :
> puppetdoc --mode rdoc --outputdir ./doc \
>   --modulepath modules --manifestdir /var/empty
> I then get html documentation inside ./doc/ but all of the manifests
> files are referred to as /home/myuser/puppet-modules which would be
> quite ugly if included in the git repo or on a website as documentation.

Do you mean the file path of the parsed manifest mentioned when you
click on a class?
I'm afraid this is a bug nobody cared about. Can you file a redmine
ticket, please?

> I've just tested with 2.6.8 and I still get the same result. There are
> more details, like the module's main class showing up as xinetd::xinetd
> instead of just xinetd or my definition's parameters needing to be
> right after the "define" line (no empty line in between allowed) or the
> documented #-- not working to stop further parsing...

About the xinetd::xinetd it's by design. The module is called xinetd
itself and we need a way to distinguish the "global" module space (ie
xinetd) from the class called xinetd which lives in this module. It
could well have been possible that you have a "manifests" (not module)
class called xinetd which would have collisionned with this one in the
UI. Thus I used xinetd::xinetd. 
I could have make it xinetd::main or something akin but that I'm sure
you wouldn't have find it better. 

The #-- needs to be actually be written as ##-- until I fix this
offending bug. I don't think we have a redmine entry for this, so if you
feel brave enough go add one (and even better produce a patch to fix the
bug :))

> Are others using puppetdoc for their modules? Are there some good
> examples out there? The official documentation is useful but seems
> somewhat limited.

I think Alessandro is using puppetdoc for his own module, check Lab42's
Example42 modules on github:

Patches are more than welcome (even documentation patches) :)
Brice Figureau
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