----- "Marc Zampetti" <marc.zampe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So does this mean that I need a new intermediate class for every 
> possible version of the package? Just relying on using the "latest" is
> REALLY BAD in production. It means that I can NEVER know for sure that
> when I re-build a host that it is in the EXACT state I defined it as.
> You have to remember I'm operating in an an environment were we DO NOT
> let Red Hat do updates whenever it wants, and Puppet is not running in
> daemon mode. We only approve OS updates on a patch by patch basis, and
> only apply changes when we are ready to apply them.
> Please don't tell me "that is a bad thing to do". First, I completely

You can use extlookup[1] to handle the versions for you, then you can manage
it outside of your code and just control it in data.

define pkg() {
   $version = extlookup("pkg_${name}", "present")

   package{$name: ensure => $version}

class apache::install {
   pkg{"httpd": }

That code is configurable per host/dc/country/whatever you want without 
changing manifest, just data.

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/2.6.1/function.html#extlookup

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