So does this mean that I need a new intermediate class for every possible version of the package? Just relying on using the "latest" is REALLY BAD in production. It means that I can NEVER know for sure that when I re-build a host that it is in the EXACT state I defined it as. You have to remember I'm operating in an an environment were we DO NOT let Red Hat do updates whenever it wants, and Puppet is not running in daemon mode. We only approve OS updates on a patch by patch basis, and only apply changes when we are ready to apply them.

Please don't tell me "that is a bad thing to do". First, I completely disagree. I don't know how many times I've been burned badly because Red Hat decided to "fix" something that broke my app. The whole point of Puppet is that ensure me that the host is in the exact state I want it to be. And yes, if I have 1000 applications, I know I will need to update the version of the package 1000 times, since I cannot simply upgrade all applications all at once. For every upgrade, I have to test and validate the changes, no matter how small.

I have a lot of hosts, and have to support a lot of different versions of a packages across those hosts. While I am not trying to support multiple versions of a package on a single host, I at least have to be able to specify for a given module/class what version to use. And telling me I have to manage that at the node level seems counter-intuitive as well. The whole point of Puppet is that the hosts become somewhat abstracted. I simply define what constitutes an application, including the versions of things, and then say to Puppet "make this host be like this". Is everyone really just installing one app per host, or not caring what version of a package is installed?


On 9/14/10 5:42 PM, Silviu Paragina wrote:
Skipping the practices part, you can achieve the final objective by adding another level of inheritance (apache-app-ver-2....) and the two classes in the end would inherit from, or include, this new class.

Logically if there is any reason for apache having the same version in both application 1 and 2, that "reason" with it's specific configuration should go in a common manifest. Your logic for naming the intermediary class should then become apache-app-reason. If there is no reason I don't see why you aren't using latest/installed, with or without a private repository.

IMHO in puppet you should specify what an application needs, not everything down to the version, or at least set the version somewhere common to all the classes that need to use it. Think of it this way, if you get to have 1000 applications, and need to upgrade apache because of a security flaw you will have to edit that in 1000 places, instead of a single class or using latest. A case where this shouldn't apply is virtual boxes, where there is only one function for the machine, and you might want the version of every software you use to be fixed.

For how it would be ideal to do it, I'm not sure, I'm waiting for comments too. :)


On 14.09.2010 23:55, Marc Zampetti wrote:
Basically, I'm trying to build modules that implement best practices (the app-apache module), and then admins that need to build specific apache instances just create a new module that inherits from the base class and provides the information they need.

So, admin A wants to build apache server 1, and thus creates app-apache-server1. They set the version of apache they need, any other required information (like docroot, etc.), and add anything else specific to that application.

Admin B wants to build apache server 2, and thus creates app-apache-server2. They go through the same process as admin A.

Notice, there are no nodes in this discussion. Its all about defining an application. Then its time to say which nodes that apps will run on. In this case, I want a single node to run both apps. Whenever I try to do that with Puppet, I keep getting duplicate errors related to the package.

All of this assumes that the appropriate coordination has occurred to make sure that both app definitions. That means that they are both trying to use the same version of the package, don't conflict with files or ports, etc.

Also, I think I forgot to mention that I am using puppet 0.25.5.


On 9/14/10 4:39 PM, Silviu Paragina wrote:
 On 14.09.2010 23:12, Marc Zampetti wrote:
I've been banging my head on this all day, and I cannot seem to figure out how to do it.

I have a package for Apache HTTPd. I want to be able to specify the exact version of the package to use for a particular installation. And it is also possible that I want to have two separate modules install the same package.

So, what I end up with is the following

class app-apache {
  package { "apache" : ensure => installed, noop => true }

class app-apache-server1 inherits app-apache {
   Package["apache"] {ensure => "2.2.15", noop => false}

class app-apache-server2 inherits app-apache {
   Package["apache"] {ensure => "2.2.15", noop => false}

Basically, I have two servers configured. Now, it is possible that both servers could end up on the same host, depending upon a number of facters. When that happens, I get an error about not being able to override the "ensure" method in app-apache-server2 because it was already overridden in app-apache-server1.

Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I need to be able to specify the version I want for a particular class, and that can change from class to class. I realize that if two different classes define two different versions and both classes end up on the same node, I will get errors from YUM. I'm ok with that.

Marc Zampetti

I don't see any way to do what you want directly. But in your specific case you may add another level of inheritance, that specifies the version, and inherit both of your classes from that, and you will get an error from puppet for double override in that case. You shouldn't feed much into yum as you might get an actual response in package management...

As an alternative you may get the version from a variable for the specified class, but this would leave you with somewhat of a nightmare for double inclusion.

Leaving that aside what are you trying to do? What you are doing doesn't seem right to me. Any code that uses copy/paste should be refactored to call that common piece of code instead of the programmer/admin doing a copy paste of that code.


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