On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Marc Zampetti <marc.zampe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I've been banging my head on this all day, and I cannot seem to figure out
> how to do it.
> I have a package for Apache HTTPd. I want to be able to specify the exact
> version of the package to use for a particular installation. And it is also
> possible that I want to have two separate modules install the same package.
> So, what I end up with is the following
> class app-apache {
>  package { "apache" : ensure => installed, noop => true }
> }
> class app-apache-server1 inherits app-apache {
>   Package["apache"] {ensure => "2.2.15", noop => false}
> }
> class app-apache-server2 inherits app-apache {
>   Package["apache"] {ensure => "2.2.15", noop => false}
> }
> Basically, I have two servers configured. Now, it is possible that both
> servers could end up on the same host, depending upon a number of facters.
> When that happens, I get an error about not being able to override the
> "ensure" method in app-apache-server2 because it was already overridden in
> app-apache-server1.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I need to be able to specify the
> version I want for a particular class, and that can change from class to
> class. I realize that if two different classes define two different versions
> and both classes end up on the same node, I will get errors from YUM. I'm ok
> with that.
> Marc Zampetti


We're doing what your trying to. We'd be screwed without the ability
to specify a package version. We do:

package foo {
    ensure => "1.21-10-1"

Works fine...


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