Hi Andrew,

Just noticed that ssh::auth::server doesn't require the resource for ~/.ssh 
directory.  Considering the documentation says it does (in Examples -> 1. With 
account management at the bottom mentions that 'require => [User[$title], 
File["$home/.ssh"]]' is implicitly included in both client and server), I 
thought I'll report it.

This works fine for ssh::auth::server because it uses a file resource for the 
~/.ssh/$filename file, so ~/.ssh is autorequired by puppet (if defined).

Also, while I'm at it, I wanted to ask a question related to scoping.  Don't 
know if it's another difference between puppet 0.24.8 and 0.25.x, can't find 
docs mentioning that.  Anyway the problem manifests itself in that simple 

import "auth.pp"

include ssh::auth

Ssh::Auth::Key { length => 4096 }

ssh::auth::key { 'foo': }

include ssh::auth::keymaster
file { '/home/foo/.ssh': ensure => directory, mode => 700, owner => 'foo', 
group => 'puppet' }
ssh::auth::client { 'foo': group => 'foo' }

this is a simplified manifest which I ran with standalone puppet and it 
produces the following error:

Only subclasses can override parameters at /root/puppet-
tests/sshauth/auth.pp:113 on node ...

The problem here is the "group => 'foo'" param passed to ssh::auth::client.  
It doesn't really matter which parameter it is though as the issue seems to be 
that the ssh::auth::client (or ssh::auth::server) define cannot override 
properties of a resource declared in ssh::auth::key define.

I searched a bit for something on defines overriding parameters of resources 
and found a thread here on puppet-users [1] which implies this isn't possible.

Does that work in 0.25.x ?

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-

Michael Gliwinski
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