John Philips wrote:
> But now I'm confused again...
> You say that this is possible and may even be implemented soon:
> package { 'foobar':
>   ensure => installed,
>   onlyif => 'test -f /foo/bar',
> }
> But something like this is pretty much out-of-the-question?
> $foo_exists = client_exec('test -f /foo/bar')
> if $foo_exists == 0 {
>     # file exists, load the module
>     include foobar
> }
> Both scenarios involve a decision based on output from the client.

Based on output from client, but in totally different ways. When the 
client requests a configuration, it sends all known facts to the server. 
The server then computes the list of resources (evaluating functions 
like "include") and sends that back to the client. This is a very 
efficient one-roundtrip request to the server.

Having something like your "client_exec" would require many additional 
roundtrips from the server to the client. Besides the fundamental 
ugliness of such an approach, in many environments server->client 
connections are forbidden.

If you still, really, really, really want to implement this today, you 
could create an external node classifier[1], which queries the client 
and creates the proper list of classes. It still incurs the overhead and 
the communications issue, but you isolate your complexity in one 
well-defined place.

Regards, DavidS


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