
>>> If it's so easy, please provide an example
>> solution.  And if your
>>> example consists of disparate facts to determine if
>> specific files
>>> exist, please don't bother because that's specifically
>> what I said I
>>> wasn't looking for :-)
>> simply use puppet as a standalone tool, then your only on one host
>> and everything gets evaluated in the same place. The restriction
>> (in your terms) that this can only be satisfied using facts is only
>>  due to the reason that we're in a client/server relation and not 
>> everything gets evaluated on the same host.
> Peter, sorry if it appears that I'm using you as a target, but you
> just put a big bullseye on yourself :-)  If I understand correctly,
> you suggest running puppet individually on every single host and
> having the hosts query themselves, i.e. no central puppetmaster?  So,
> if I wanted to make a global change, I'd have to somehow manually
> distribute new puppet manifests out to every single host.  That
> totally defeats what I see as the purpose of puppet - centralized
> management of hosts.

I have been simply arguing that you get your current idea (apply a
'local' onlyif to a whole block) with this kind of setup. Nothing more.
And I tried to outline why it will only work with the standalone setup
and why not with the client/master setup.

>> it's mainly due to the reason how puppet works. the client sends
>> its facts to the master, this one evaluates the manifests with this
>>  information and executes the functions and sends down the compiled
>>  catalog to the client. This one, only applies the catalog and does
>> the necessary changes to fit into the described state. As mentioned
>> above to onlyif is just part of an exec resource to determine its 
>> state.
>> There are many more reasons why this is a good architecture and why
>>  your problem can be still achieved in the puppet way. Which means
>> not in a script style, but in a declarative manner, which is what's
>> the basic idea of puppet.
>> I hope I could explain things more clear. So the question is now
>> how would you like to fit your simple idea into this setup and way
>> how puppet works?
> As I said earlier, if it involves creating a custom fact for every
> test, then I'm not interested.  If there's some other way, then by
> all means please share.
> Anyway, I was about to go into a long diatrabe of reasons as to why
> my request has merit along with numerous examples.  Then I noticed
> this thread from January 2008:
> http://markmail.org/message/2nrbjwjz3vcuiacl
> Nigel from Google asked for the same thing I'm asking for, and Luke
> agreed it should be made available.   To quote one of Luke's
> responses, "I guess I should actually get this done".  That's
> justification enough for me!  :-)

well imho what is talked about in this thread is an onlyif parameter for
a resource, so unless/onlyif as a metaparameter. Right?

BUT this won't be something like:

if File.exist?('/foo/bar') {
  package{'foobar': ensure => present }

this will be like:

  ensure => installed,
  onlyif => 'test -f /foo/bar',

but your were suggesting something like:

--- quote ---
In pseudo-code:

if file_exists("/opt/orange_app") {
    # file exists, load the module
    include orange
--- /quote ---

or as you stated you like to have: "But instead of the 'onlyif' applying
to a single exec, I'd like it to to apply to an entire block of code in
my puppet manifest."

Which is something FUNDAMENTAL different to the onlyif metaparameter and
which I was trying to argue is evaluated on a different level, hence it
isn't that easy and won't work as you think so.

I have never been and I never intended to argue against an onlyif
metaparameter for resources. I simply tried to outline what is the
difference between an onlyif parameter and a statement in the code,
which you prefered over an onlyif parameter. I somehow think I failed
with that.

Besides that, if we are talking about onlyif/unless as a metaparameter:
There have even been recently some work to provide unless as a
metaparameter. See "possible #651 patch" thread on the puppet-dev list
and maybe also have a look at bug #651.

> I'll file a formal feature request in the ticketing system and look
> forward to seeing it in a future release.  Pretty please? :-)

if you really need to get things implemented you are currently missing,
you can always get in touch with reductivelabs and I assume they'll
happily work things out with you.

cheers pete

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