> well imho what is talked about in this thread is an onlyif
> parameter for
> a resource, so unless/onlyif as a metaparameter. Right?
> BUT this won't be something like:
> if File.exist?('/foo/bar') {
>   package{'foobar': ensure => present }
> }
> this will be like:
> package{'foobar':
>   ensure => installed,
>   onlyif => 'test -f /foo/bar',
> }
> but your were suggesting something like:
> --- quote ---
> In pseudo-code:
> if file_exists("/opt/orange_app") {
>     # file exists, load the module
>     include orange
> }

Yes, you're right, I mistakenly construed that what they were discussing would 
directly solve my problem, which it wouldn't.  It's apples and oranges - both 
fruits I would enjoy but not the same fruits.

> Besides that, if we are talking about onlyif/unless as a
> metaparameter:
> There have even been recently some work to provide unless
> as a
> metaparameter. See "possible #651 patch" thread on the
> puppet-dev list
> and maybe also have a look at bug #651.

Ok, I'll check that out.

But now I'm confused again...

You say that this is possible and may even be implemented soon:

package { 'foobar':
  ensure => installed,
  onlyif => 'test -f /foo/bar',

But something like this is pretty much out-of-the-question?

$foo_exists = client_exec('test -f /foo/bar')
if $foo_exists == 0 {
    # file exists, load the module
    include foobar

Both scenarios involve a decision based on output from the client.

Perhaps I just need to approach it a different way: create a new type and put 
all my custom logic in there?

homemade_application { 'foobar':
  ensure => installed,
  onlyif => 'test -f /foo/bar',


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