Todd Zullinger <> writes:

> One potential fix for that is to check for deletions, like so:

Thanks for doing work for us :)  We noticed the need for this but
haven't had a chance to fix it.  Your change works great.  I updated the

> One other potential problem is if puppet is used to manage selinux
> modules.  Compiled modules also have a .pp extension.  When adding or
> updating these files they will pass the "if [[ $name =~ [.]pp$ ]]"
> check.  This can be avoided by not version controlling the compiled
> modules, but perhaps it might also be reasonable to add a quick bit to
> the if test, something like this (untested):
>     if [[ $name =~ [.]pp$ ]] && [ "$(file -b "$name" 2>/dev/null)" != 'data' ]
> The selinux .pp files will return data, while I can't imaging any
> puppet manifests being labeled as data. :)

This sounds good to me but maybe it's not safe to assume GNU file (which
supports the -b) is installed on your puppetmaster?

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