Hi Paul,

Some comments about the doc.

"Use double-quotes around node names"  I would say using single quotes  
is better since the Puppet language does not try to parse it for  
variables.  I have not done any tests in Puppet of single over double  
quotes but have seen other interpreted languages recommend single  
quote first over double for performance reasons.

At least for me I tend to make Puppet modules very atomic.  Meaning  
many smaller modules/classes than one large monolithic module.  ie you  
want to manage ssh.  Perhaps break it up into a client and server  
class, but one module.

For multi-platform support I've found the best way to support it is  
via case statements at the high level

class openssh {
     case $operatingsystem {
         centos, redhat: { include openssh::redhat }
         debian, ubuntu: { include openssh::debian }
         default: { fail("${title} is not defined for operating system  
${operatingsystem}.") }

Any common steps can be included in the class or broken out into a  
openssh::base class

In some cases you not only want to install the application, but they  
are situations to remove it (in my case had a need to ensure the  
package is removed for security)  I use the naming convention
cups::disable  -  To install but disable service (primarily for  
dependancy with other packages)
cups::remove  - To make sure the package and service are not running

Inheritance is great for creating a generic module and creating a site  
module for your specific needs (In my case we have a generic proftpd  
but then have a site specific for custom DirectAdmin (a hosting  
control panel) configurations )

Teyo's recommends two module folders, one dist and another site.  site  
folder containing modules specific to your install.


Larry Ludwig
Reductive Labs

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