Paul Lathrop wrote:
> Hi Puppeteers,
> I spent some time tonight making a first pass at what I hope will
> eventually be a good replacement for the current "Puppet Best
> Practices" page on the wiki. I know this needs *tons of work, but I
> hit a good pausing point and decided it was time to ask for feedback
> and contributions. The idea here is to provide some overall guidelines
> to help newcomers to Puppet establish good habits as well as get the
> most out of Puppet, and especially to highlight some common mistakes
> and how to avoid them.
> Please take a look and flame away. I need feedback, both positive and
> negative, as well as input as to what the Best Practices actually are
> (Volcane, I'm looking at you!). I especially need to flesh out that
> final section.

Thanks for picking up that work. It's good to see movement here!

There are some thing I'm missing:

* How to arrange modules, what constitutes a module?

There's this quip "If you ever wonder whether X is running, X should be 
a module." Also, some thoughts about how using external modules works?

* Environments and the workflow surrounding them

There is already UsingMultipleEnvironments, which has all the technical 
stuff. Perhaps a few sentences about how to use the production, testing, 
and development environment.

* An overview of the recommended filesystem layout

What goes to /etc/puppet, where to put modules and modules in different 

* Using an external node classifier to split configuration 
(node+data+class list) and manifests (modules and manifests)

* Recommend to replace complete config files instead of "editing" it 

Thank you again for your time and work!

Regards, DavidS

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