Hi Michael,

Thanks for your advice.  It works without problem.

>From "Init 3" how to start xwindow

# xwindow
# service xwindow start
# xwindow start
Ctrl + Alt + F7

could not work.

Thanks in advance.


On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 00:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Message: 4
> >Subject: RE: XF86Config file question - Nvidia Driver
> >From: "Stephen Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: 26 Aug 2003 16:43:56 +0800
> >
> >Hi Michael,
> >
> >Thanks for your advice.
> >
> >My PC config as follows
> >=======================
> >CPU - Athlon 2.1G
> >RAM - 512MB
> >Graphic card - WinFast GeForce2 MX
> >Memory - 32MB
> >OS - RH8.0
> >
> >I think I can use "AMD64".  If I am wrong please correct me.
> As Roger mentioned in the last e-mail, if you download the wrong one then the 
> installation program will download the correct one.
> >I am not very experienced on "vi".  Most time I use "mc" (midnight
> >commander) for text editing.  Anyway I will go through "vitutor" later. 
> >I know how to toggle between Init2 and Init5 after login, not booting
> >straight to Init2 by changing "/etc/inintab"
> I use vi a lot just because I was taught vi many years ago. It is the standard text 
> editor for unix ans unix like systems. However if you can use midnight commander 
> then that is great!. What I meant was that you must know the basics for editing a 
> text file with a text editor, not necessarily that you MUST use vi...
> >Is there a simple way to boot straight to Init2 without changing
> >"/etc/inintab?
> Actually you need to boot into mode 3 not 2. 
> With redhat the default bootloader is GRUB. That is the one that I use. With GRUB 
> you can easily boot into text mode or any other mode that you want. Here is how I do 
> it...
> 1. Boot your computer into GRUB
> 2. Choose the most recent kernel that you have on the list.
> 3. Press the "e" key to edit the commands for that kernel before booting.
> 4. On the next screen, choose the line that says "kernel /vmlinuz..." and press the 
> "e" key.
> 5. At the END of the line of " grub edit > kernel /vmlinuz..." hit the space bar 
> once and type "init 3" without the (quotation marks of course) and then press 
> "enter" key.
> 6. You should now be back at the previous screen and you should see "init 3" at the 
> end of the line. Now press the "b" key to boot into text mode!
> The next time you boot up the original configuration will be there. Nothing will 
> permantently changed.
> That is it! You have now successfully booted into mode 3 and are on your way to 
> becoming an expert!
> Sincerely,
> Michael von Lehe

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