Around Mon,Aug 25 2003, at 01:31,  [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:
> >I am running CPU Athol 2.1G and the Graphic card has 32MB memory.  Which
> >of the following driver should I download;
> >
> >Linux IA32
> >Linux AMD64
> >Linux IA64
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >B.R.
> >Stephen
> You should download the one that is right for your kernel and CPU and motherboard 
> combination.
> I must admit though it was not as hard as I thought it would be to install and set 
> up the driver. And the difference in the video and refresh rate made it worth the 
> effort. 
> One more thing. When you update the kernel you must reinstall the nvidia driver. 
> Luckily you don't have to reconfigure the XF86Config file...
they do have an installer that will check your kernel, and download the
appropriate driver if needed.   If a precompiled driver is not
available, it will download source and install it.  


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