>Message: 4
>Subject: RE: XF86Config file question - Nvidia Driver
>From: "Stephen Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 26 Aug 2003 16:43:56 +0800
>Hi Michael,
>Thanks for your advice.
>My PC config as follows
>CPU - Athlon 2.1G
>RAM - 512MB
>Graphic card - WinFast GeForce2 MX
>Memory - 32MB
>OS - RH8.0
>I think I can use "AMD64".  If I am wrong please correct me.

As Roger mentioned in the last e-mail, if you download the wrong one then the 
installation program will download the correct one.

>I am not very experienced on "vi".  Most time I use "mc" (midnight
>commander) for text editing.  Anyway I will go through "vitutor" later. 
>I know how to toggle between Init2 and Init5 after login, not booting
>straight to Init2 by changing "/etc/inintab"

I use vi a lot just because I was taught vi many years ago. It is the standard text 
editor for unix ans unix like systems. However if you can use midnight commander then 
that is great!. What I meant was that you must know the basics for editing a text file 
with a text editor, not necessarily that you MUST use vi...

>Is there a simple way to boot straight to Init2 without changing

Actually you need to boot into mode 3 not 2. 

With redhat the default bootloader is GRUB. That is the one that I use. With GRUB you 
can easily boot into text mode or any other mode that you want. Here is how I do it...

1. Boot your computer into GRUB
2. Choose the most recent kernel that you have on the list.
3. Press the "e" key to edit the commands for that kernel before booting.
4. On the next screen, choose the line that says "kernel /vmlinuz..." and press the 
"e" key.
5. At the END of the line of " grub edit > kernel /vmlinuz..." hit the space bar once 
and type "init 3" without the (quotation marks of course) and then press "enter" key.
6. You should now be back at the previous screen and you should see "init 3" at the 
end of the line. Now press the "b" key to boot into text mode!

The next time you boot up the original configuration will be there. Nothing will 
permantently changed.

That is it! You have now successfully booted into mode 3 and are on your way to 
becoming an expert!

Michael von Lehe

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