Hi Michael,

I've been getting the same problem on my machine here although I'm just
running the wine that came with the RH8.0 package.  I've posted on
Franks corner today as well.  http://www.frankscorner.org/wineforum

This looks like a good resource for wine info, but I didn't find the
answer to my questions there.

I've been able to start the wineserver itself and then run the
executable like this:

$wine winemine.exe (or try notepad.exe or any of the other "included"

These programs function.  Try on yours, I would be interested to know if
that works.

I've installed all of the tools (i.e. winesetuptk, wt and also
winecheck.pl, I've been getting 93% score)

My aim is to install Dreamweaver3 on my 8.0 box......that would be a

Has anyone on this list gotten that far?

Thanks in advance,

Dan Devine

On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 15:48, Michael Smith wrote:
> Anyone get errors about /username/.wine/wineserver-something/socket not
> existing? Any ideas? I got it from freshrpms.net
> -Michael
> -- 
> Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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