At 04:31 PM 3/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
The issue is resolved now, but it will take Management time to cool down. I have written a memo to Management and the techs with RH explaining the problem. And have suggested that all updates are verified on one machine before they will be allowed on any others, to aleviate future issues. One of my managers has repsonded that he thought thats what we were paying RH for, and I don't have reasonable responce for him other than that is what I thought as well.

That _is_ one of the things you are paying RH for. However, it seems that they have screwed up.

While I see this as being pretty much "how it is" in this case, I find that a company is allowed to screw up once every blue moon, as long as they fix it quickly and try not to err so gravely again. While RH has indeed screwed up here IMHO, I find that their overall incidence of screw-ups is VASTLY lower than Microsoft's so I don't find it appropriate to draw and quarter them for it (although the person responsible should definitely pay a price).

I do not have enough knowledge of other distros and options to comment, but find no reason to avoid RH because of this. I recall very few screwups like this, and in each case I recall them working their tails off to fix the problem.

Fine by me.

-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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