On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 18:02, Jack Bowling wrote: 
> ** Reply to message from Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 27 Mar 2003 
> 14:48:45 -0900
> > Anyone get errors about /username/.wine/wineserver-something/socket not
> > existing? Any ideas? I got it from freshrpms.net
> Yep. Apparently both VMWare and Wine were affected by the change to NPTL in glibc 
> which uses two registers for the new threading that were previously used by one or 
> both of the affected apps. You can find more info on Google. The Wine problem 
> affects me. Haven't figured out how to deal with it yet.
> jb
> --
> Jack Bowling                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Prince George, BC

>From the FAC at codeweavers: I updated my RedHat 8.0 packages with Up2date, now I'm getting
an "Unable to get info about installed DLLS" error.

This problem is caused by the RedHat network updating the glibc
libraries past the point of compatibility with CrossOver. To revert to
your original glibc configuration, first insert your RedHat 8.0
installation CD #1 and then enter the following commands: 
$ su -
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/glibc*.rpm

If you don't need the upgraded fixes, this *might* solve your problems.
I think NSCD was 'upgraded' at the same time. You might need to downgrade
it also.

A word of caution... the downgrade broke postfix on my machine.

I had to manually change some files and symlinks in 
/var/spool/postfix/lib after the downgrade.  Don't know yet if anything
else took a hit.


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