At 03:08 PM 1/5/2003 -0600, you wrote:
I'm relatively new to linux and very new to grub.On Sunday 05 January 2003 03:02 pm, Tommy McNeely wrote: > maybe it has something to do with the way grub is detecting the > disks?? > > maybe hd(0,0) is now your IDE disk... ??The symptom you described is consistent with not finding the boot loader. That's why I was wondering if the device (HD) names had changed. mw
I've been reading the manual and searching google to learn about grub before installing it.
One thing the manual said...
Normally IDE drives number less than SCSI drives.
That would seem to mean that (hd0,0) now points grub to the ide instead of the scsi.
I expect the grub command line still works?
If so, at the grub> prompt try
find /boot/grub/stage1
That should list the drive where your boot images are.
I guessing it is now (hd1,0) instead of (hd0,0).
If so, you can edit the grub.config or boot from the command line by entering:
(assuming this is the kernel you want... otherwise change the kernel and initrd version)
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-ac4 ro root=LABEL=/ vga=791
initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.19-ac4.img
Remember... I haven't used grub yet... this is guess based on my understanding of the manual.
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