maybe it has something to do with the way grub is detecting the disks??

maybe hd(0,0) is now your IDE disk... ??

On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 13:45, Brian Curtis wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> Sunday, January 5, 2003, 2:12:12 PM, you wrote:
> MW> I have a dual RAID 1 setup too.  When you installed the new HD did you
> MW> put it between the two RAID drives?  You have to install a new drive 
> MW> behind existing drives or your mdtab and fstab file won't match the 
> MW> physical drives.
> Actually, my entire Linux system resides on SCSI drives.  The IDE HDD
> is for mass storage only (single drive, no RAID).
> MW> In my configuration, I can install a new HD as /dev/hdb or /dev/hdd 
> MW> since neither affects the original fstab or mdtab.  If you did, you can 
> MW> edit fstab and mdtab to match your new drive configuration.
> Unfortunately I cannot get far enough in the boot process (without
> using rescue mode) to have made this mistake.  Checking fstab and
> raidtab once booted into rescue mode, neither file has been modified
> since July 2002.
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Brian Curtis
> -- 
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