Hello Mike,

Sunday, January 5, 2003, 2:12:12 PM, you wrote:

MW> I have a dual RAID 1 setup too.  When you installed the new HD did you
MW> put it between the two RAID drives?  You have to install a new drive 
MW> behind existing drives or your mdtab and fstab file won't match the 
MW> physical drives.

Actually, my entire Linux system resides on SCSI drives.  The IDE HDD
is for mass storage only (single drive, no RAID).

MW> In my configuration, I can install a new HD as /dev/hdb or /dev/hdd 
MW> since neither affects the original fstab or mdtab.  If you did, you can 
MW> edit fstab and mdtab to match your new drive configuration.

Unfortunately I cannot get far enough in the boot process (without
using rescue mode) to have made this mistake.  Checking fstab and
raidtab once booted into rescue mode, neither file has been modified
since July 2002.

Best regards,
 Brian Curtis

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