> How can I cd/view a given drive/directory. When I bring up a term window, I
> can "cd foo", and i'm in the "foo" directory. However, I don't know what
> drive I'm on, nor do I know how to change my drive location!!!

That's the point - you DON'T need to know what drive you are on. Linux takes care of 
that for you. In Linux you mount a given drive (physical, network or ram) to somewhere 
in your existing tree and when you move to that directory, the software doesn't have a 
clue what the underlying layer needs for access.

There are ways you can find out of course. Use the "mount" command to see what has 
been mounted and where. Then look at your 'pwd' and see which mount-point it belongs 
to. I know real geeks most likely can use 'lsof' or 'fuser' to figure this out - I am 
not that advanced myself.

> I know the answer is simple, but I can't see it for now!

Hope it helped

  Peter Larsen

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