Message: 4 Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:49:56 -0500 (EST)
>From: Gerry Doris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: RH8 Mozilla -- Printing in Landscape?
> On 27 Dec 2002, Keith Winston wrote:


Well, I have a native postscript printer, an older IBM 4019 PS39 laser. It won't print at all using Mozilla including the most recent release 1.3x.
If you check the Mozilla buglist you'll see a large number of postcript
printing problems. Mozilla's postscript module stinks. I believe my
problem is that it only prints in postscript 3 and my printer is too old
to support that version.

The recommended fix is to install xprint but I haven't figgered out how to get that configured yet.

-- Gerry
Gerry: Thank you for all of the above! Now, I know it isn't as simple as getting a Postcript printer, so I will investigate very carefully, before purchasing another Laser printer, since our HP 6L works great in Windows and Fair in Linux.

Lanny in Colombia

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