I think that is the problem, I have a SCSI drive and IDE Drives in my
system and the boot system has to be on the first IDE drive.  I believe
there is a way to avoid this although I was never able to find it and 
it was just easier to put Grub on the first IDE drive.

On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 16:42, Bruce Douglas wrote:
> hey...
> that's exactly what i want to be able to do.... boot from a scsi.. and have
> a 2nd 80G ide....
> -bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Parnass, AJ9S
> Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Adding an 80G Seagate IDE drive....
> I thought the problem might be that he wanted to boot from the SCSI drive,
> but installed a new IDE drive as his second drive.  Can you boot from
> a SCSI drive if there's an IDE drive installed, too?  Perhaps his system is
> trying to boot from the new IDE drive but that's the wrong drive.
> On Saturday 28 December 2002 05:56 pm, Bruce Douglas wrote:
> > thanks...
> >
> > but i'm pretty sure this isn't the problem... i have an 80G by itself in a
> > similar server (same bios) with no problem. the issue seems to be with
> > installing two drives...
> >
> > thanks...
> >
> > bruce douglas
> --
> =========================================================================
> Bob Parnass, AJ9S               Linux User             http://parnass.com
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